Sunday, February 21, 2010

CPTED - Control by Right to Protect

The increase in revenue from making citizens follow laws to protect themselves from making independent decisions is ridiculous. More and more, government chooses to SPEND more, CHARGE more, and COLLECT more, and for what? Isn't there a point at which reality will catch up to them, the people will STOP paying the price and Government (no matter what level) will have to eat their own over-inflated ego sucking presumptions?

Whatever happened to FREEDOM and LIBERTY?

Isn't there a Constitution somewhere that we used to believe in?

Whatever happened to the people making choices for themselves?

In a recent discussion with community leaders, Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design came up. CPTED (look it up online if you really want to raise your blood pressure) is another method of controlling the environment to fight crime, or limit freedom of movement by local citizens.

If all the yards and neighborhoods look the same on those satellite pictures from outer space, it's far easier to spot somebody doing something Government isn't controlling or taxing. If every fence is the same and all the neighbors provide wide open views to the city streets, the police can drive by your home and see if you're doing what you're supposed to be doing. If that isn't frightening enough, there's more...

If all the people drive new cars with GPS in their car, Government can control where you go, how much gas you use, and what you're doing.

Still not enough to put the fear of Big Daddy under your skin... What about those required inoculations? Are you inoculated with a chip that gives government your exact position on the planet, yet?

Why do you suppose swine flu was such a vast emergency when it was no more deadly than any other flu that has happened in the past century?

This isn't conspiracy theory, people. This is basic resistance of the Big Brother take over. There are plenty of laws in this country to keep us tangled up in court action to protect ourselves for the rest of my natural life, and yet, we keep electing more and more lawyers into office allowing them to write more and more laws.

When is it enough? When will the people stand up and say - STOP!!! There's too much government and we want our freedom back?

This isn't about buckling your seatbelt. It's about who tells you what to do. Are you not smart enough to decide what you should do to protect yourself inside your own car? There are people who drive around with day care kids in the back of a pick up truck (as recent as last summer) and the police turned their heads the other way. This is not about safety. If it were, the police would stop people from risking the lives of children who are not their own.

This is about control. Isn't it time we stopped them from controlling us, before we don't have that option? You decide.

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